

"Twilight Lace" dress

Hand knit with three needles and knitting belt - beaded Shetland Lace with crepe silk satin hand drawn engineered print. Print inspired by Shetland nature, landscape and Shetland fine lace stitch structures. Knitted round in Shetland Supreme un-dyed Lace wool to give a seamless lace, antique style beads and linen metallic thread. Each bell sleeve took 60 hours. Beads knitted in neckline, cuffs, elbow and waste. Engineered print in silk crepe satin.

"Butterfly Lace" dress (pink)

Hand knit with three needles and knitting belt - Shetland Black Supreme un-dyed fine lace and hand drawn silk crepe satin engineered print. Antique style beads knitted on linen and metallic thread to waste neckline and armholes. Print inspired from our summer migrant the ‘Painted Lady’ butterfly’ and lace stitch structures.

"Butterfly Lace" long belle sleeve (blue)

This is the same print as the pink Butterfly but in blue on Linen.

The lace is one of my favourite old Shetland patterns “print o’ the wave’ on the body with tiny gunmetal beads knitted in the fronds. Belle sleeves made in the old Shetland ‘birds eye’ pattern with beaded wave pattern at elbow. Tiny magenta beads in blue linen thread around waste and cuffs. Again body and sleeves knitted round to give a seamless lace. Inspired by Shetland nature.

"Sunset Lace" dress

Hand knit with three needles and knitting belt - Shetland Black Supreme un-dyed fine lace and hand drawn Japanese silk-engineered print. Tiny bronze beads knitted on front fronds of ‘elaborate print o’ the wave’ old Shetland pattern, neckline and armholes. Print inspired by Shetland nature, landscape and lace stitch structures.